№1: Carbohydrates cause your body to lose vitamins and minerals

№1: Carbohydrates cause your body to lose vitamins and minerals
22 November 2020

One of the primary motives to abstain from refined carbohydrates and limit the consumption of natural carbohydrates is the fact that increased carbohydrate intake impairs the absorption of vitamins in the body!

When you consume excessive amounts of carbohydrates, your body's need for vitamin B increases. Many people try to compensate for this with supplements, but unfortunately, they are not as effective in absorbing vitamins.

For example, vitamin C has a structure similar to glucose, which cells prefer to absorb. This means that with increased glucose consumption, your body absorbs less vitamin C. In the case of diabetics, they have about 30% less vitamin C in their bodies, and vitamin D levels are usually below normal.

Overall, when you consume more refined carbohydrates and bread, you not only receive no nutritional value but also deplete essential minerals and vitamins from your body. This is because your body prefers to absorb glucose over other nutrients.

So, how can we correct this? One solution is to replace refined sugars and bread with a diet called keto. It is recommended to consume no more than 100 grams of fruits per day, even if you weigh 150 kg. There's no need to consume two kilograms of fruits every day. While they are delicious and healthy foods, they should be consumed in moderation because beyond a certain point, they simply convert into sugar in the body, namely glucose.

IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO BE ON A KETO DIET (i.e., consuming 20-50 grams of carbohydrates per day)! However, it is important to follow a low-carbohydrate diet, meaning not consuming more than 20-30 grams of carbohydrates per meal. This can be achieved by consuming sufficient protein, beneficial fats, and fiber. This is the "formula" upon which our products are designed!

With love,

P.S. Obtain a significant portion of your vitamins and minerals from leafy vegetables rather than sweet vegetables: lettuce, endive, arugula, mixed salad greens, cucumbers, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower. Regardless of what you eat, add 200 grams of these vegetables to your meals, and you'll be on the right track while keeping other elements the same. This should be done with every meal, not just dinner or lunch, with every food intake. Half an avocado and half a cucumber in the morning will work wonders for you! I'm not referring to pills from the pharmacy but rather pure, wholesome food!

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№23: Blood glucose over 98 mg/d is getting you in the diabetes zone!

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№22: The Anti Yo-Yo Strategy

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№21: Как да се върнем обратно на пътя, след като веднъж сме били и после сме му изпуснали края?

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№20 Що е то Канабидиойл (или CBD на английски съкратено) и какво общо има с диабета?

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№19 Lactobacillus bulgaricus или българският дар за света от Дафлон (R)

Пробиотиците са сила, но само ако са истински!

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№18: Как да започнем с нашата програма Keto MatriX (75-90 кг)

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#17: Как да стартирате програмата Keto MatriX за отслабване и елиминиране на диабет 2

"Не закусвам, защото не чувствам глад! (Ето защо си дебелa, защото се храниш през нощта, а не сутрин, 99,9% от дебели хора не закусват, особено жените)"

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№16: Значението на закуската при започване на кето и живот с ниско съдържание на въглехидрати

Инсулинът е отговорен за превръщането на излишната глюкоза в мазнини. Колкото повече инсулин имате в кръвта, толкова повече мазнини съхранявате. "Закуската изяж сам! Обяда раздели с приятеля си, а вечерята дай на врага си!" са казали умните древни китайци!

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№14: Има ли значение храната и какво общо има възрастта с нея?

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№13 Защо инсулиновата резистентност е "тихият" убиец и трябва да се наблюдава от всички (статия НЕ само за хора с диабет)

Диабет 2 се нарича „придобит“ диабет и значи, че произвеждате инсулин, но клетките ви не реагират на него, или имате така наречената Инсулинова Резистентност (най-кратко обяснено). Грешно е да се счита, че от Диабет 2 страдат само хора с наднормено тегло.

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№12: "Никой не е по-голям от хляба", стара Българска поговорка

„Никой не е по-голям от хляба“ казват в моята страна! Никой не може да оцелее без храна, това означава. Преди много време хлябът е бил основното ястие за много хора, за някои единственото.

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№11: Фруктозата и Диабета

Защо фруктозата е анти-диабет, а се слага във всички евтини диабетични продукти?

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№10: Как редовните годишни тестове спасиха живота на моя приятелка въпреки агресивния рак на гърдата и!

Макар че статията е на женска тема, същото важи и за мъжете по отношение на простатата! Превенцията е най-добрата медицинска застраховка, която можете да си купите!

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№9 LEMON е KETO и може да е е животоспасяващ!

Някои наистина екстремни „специалисти по кето“ изключват лимоните от „диетата“ си. Те също съветват другите да правят същото. Това е просто безотговорно! Лимонът рядко е противопоказен, макар че има и такива случаи. Но в повечето случай пречи на холестерола да се слепва, на калция да се слепва също и чисти песъчинки от бъбреците, както и дава естествен истински витамин С, не като този от предната статия!

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№8 Защо консервантите (лимонена или аскорбинова киселина) и емулгаторите (като соев или слънчогледов лецитин) са голям проблем?

Първо, нека погледнем човешката психология. Ако ядете нисковъглехидратно, нискокалорично или без захар лакомство или дори хранене, автоматично мислите, че можете да ядете от него още ...Хората, които се обръщат към тези продукти, обикновено 80% от тях сме с голям апетит!

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№7: How to Safely Start a KETO Diet for Weight Loss, Even with Hashimoto's (Part 2)

What makes my approach different from all the "keto gurus" in Bulgaria is that I focus on ensuring people meet their daily nutritional needs on average over the week, not just on losing weight. Otherwise, they start experiencing hair loss, constipation, and even worse consequences. Since I often end up dealing with people who have rushed into things and encountered problems elsewhere, I have a wide array of examples demonstrating why one shouldn't rush and should pay attention to micronutrients.

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№6: Why Vitamin D from a Bottle Does Not Replace SUNLIGHT (UVB) at All

We all know that vitamin D is important for so many functions in the body. I keep explaining to people that sometimes food alone is not enough to fix problems, and this is a perfect example! That's why I chose several sources that I will use for the idea.

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№ 5 How to Safely Start on KETO, Even When You Need a Hashimoto's Protocol

Many people start following a keto diet to lose weight, because they have Hashimoto's, or due to type 2 diabetes, and they start very abruptly and incorrectly, ending up with problems! Here are some guidelines for you!

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№4: Unconscious movements or why you can't lose weight even if you work 16 hours a day

Yes, life can be unjust! You work tirelessly for 16 hours a day, let's say as a waitress, putting in 6 days a week, never allowing yourself a moment to rest, and logging around 20,000 steps per day, and yet, despite all your efforts, you still carry extra weight

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№3: Bio Erythritol, GMO-free, surpasses all other sugar alcohols in both quality and benefits, but comes with a price

Using GMO-free bio erythritol may come at a cost, but it's worth it! Here's a comparison to help you understand why!

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№2 The spirit in the past, the body in the present

One thing I've learned from my experience is that the carrot doesn't work in this situation, but the stick does. So, after realizing that I was hitting a metal wall, I had to ask them why, if they are such experts, they are in this situation... At that moment, I realized that the client might get upset and leave, but it makes no sense to work with someone who wants to live in the past, not change anything in the present, and expects improvement, because that person is not here, and my magic stick is broken...

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