Nice to meet You, I am Rossi!
I am the person who created and who stands behind the Rossi's Pure brand. I was born in Bulgaria and educated in the United States. I started creating low-carb dishes when I decided in 2018 to fight my depression and Hashimoto. I opened a restaurant in 2011, so I had the means and knowledge of how to cook food although I found my calling 7 years later.
My low-carb lifestyle helped me cure my depression, lose weight, and put my Hashimoto on pause. It also gave me a purpose in life! I was asked to cook for children with epilepsy and autism and in my effort to make a difference, I found my calling and my purpose in life! I created a test group at the beginning of 2019 of about 20 people who I fed for free with my food to see how different people reacted to my food I was shocked by the different reactions of the different people and their habits. I wanted to create a solution ...
I started creating foods to help my test group adjust to a life without sugar and white flour. Most of them were hooked on pastries, cookies, bread, jams, and chocolate. I started looking for such products on the market.
But I ran into a problem! I did not find any products that were low-carb that did not have a harmful ingredient inside! It was not enough for me to just have a low-carb product! I needed the product to be as good for people with epilepsy as it was good for the rest. I did not want to solve one problem, just to create a different problem!
I searched a million sites and places, but nothing was pure enough! The low-carb chocolate on the market had either lecithin or dry milk, palm oil, or sugar alcohols with a glycemic index. Some of my test group people had serious issues and I could not risk making a compromise. So i came to the conclusion that I had to create such products!
Why erythritol?
All people in the test group hated the taste of stevia, and I did not like the process by which a green plant becomes white powder. I ordered monk fruit from China for hundreds of dollars, just to find out that the EU has not approved it as a sweetener and it actually had an aftertaste. I chose erythritol because in all the studies I read about epilepsy, erythritol was the only one that was not causing seizures. Then I tested it on my own clients for proof. Erythritol proved to be the superior sugar alcohol whose molecules cannot be digested but activate the receptors in the mouth for sweetness. It does not absorb water and is excreted almost intact. The production of erythritol does not involve harsh chemicals and it is the sweetest of the sugar alcohols, so you can put less of it to achieve normal sweetness.
I had a problem with erythritol as well because I bought some from a Bulgarian online retailer and the lab found saccharin inside! In Bulgaria unfortunately the legal frame is such that things like that go unnoticed and unpunished. It was up to me to figure it out...I started thinking that I had swallowed a bigger bite than I could chew! But eventually, I found a reputable manufacturer outside of Bulgaria and imported the sweetener myself!
Then came the next problem: erythritol does not dissolve in fat, and there is no moisture in chocolate, and the erythritol gave a sandy taste in the mouth when eating the chocolate. Children did not particularly like that because they were used to the smooth taste of regular chocolate.
What about the chocolate?
My biggest problem was chocolate! I did not want to use lecithin because even in small quantities it is a powerful "glue" for bad plaque, and some studies showed that lecithin causes seizures in epileptics. I could not use milk cause it contained lactose and has a high glycemic index! Despite being delivered in fine powder, erythritol still had that sandy taste. I paid for a chocolate specialist in England to help me find a solution. He told me that I have achieved great taste and that people knew it was healthy chocolate and would have to make a compromise for the sandy taste... I sat there bummed and asked him how exactly to explain this to my six-year-old client, or the one with autism...Really upset, I kept looking! So I finally found a company that produces a machine that "shaves" molecules! I had to settle for the small machine due to the price being close to impossible, which meant producing in very small batches. They did add a tool that emulsifies the products as well. I was shocked that the technology is there but nobody was using it. Big companies would prefer to put in the "glue" and be done with it because they can't lose time in small I mortgage my apartment and bought the machine!
At the airport, on the way back from England the British authorities seized the small and only tempering machine that I had brought with me for the tests...they claimed that they found traces of explosives on it! It was unreal! I argued that this was not possible! I even asked them why would they let me go if I was connected to something that "had traces of explosives" but once they threatened me to not return my passport, I had to swallow the loss and get on the plane without the only tempering machine I had!
I could barely hold back my tears
Now I did not have help with the chocolate tempering at all! I did not have a lot of money to buy a professional one either ... Then I came across a Bulgarian entrepreneur who agreed to make a machine for me for half the price of the imported brand machines! And then new problems started ... the chocolate was too liquid, and the machine could not lift it up to the machine's faucet, and a million others. He fixed and adjusted everything in the next four months, with patience not very typical for a Bulgarian manufacturer. He did not have experience with this kind of chocolate, and I did not have enough money to complain but in the end, it all worked out. It still took me a year to make the machine like me! Now we work as a team:) I found coconut milk without any maltodextrin inside and things finally started happening! I finally had chocolate that did not raise blood sugar! Unfortunately, my test group in the beginning had to eat less far superior chocolate at that time!
What about the price?
Determined to make chocolate cleam of all bad things, this affected the price. The quality erythritol is quite expensive. Palm oil is 1 euro per kg, and the cacao butter is close to 10 euros per kg. The coconut milk is close to 10 euros as well, and dry milk is not even 1 euro per kg. Erythritol does not crystalize like sugar, and without lecithin the shine was missing. But adding some coconut butter solved that problem to an extent.
So when you buy product, read the labels! Not all products are equal even if they are dairy and sugar-free! Rossi's Pure's chocolate contains only natural ingredients and nothing else! Lecithin evn in small quantities is a strong "glue" and is responsible for building up placks and is related to heart problems. The lecithing in eggs is not the same synthetic lecithin that companies put in chocolate!
Sugar is sugar to the body even if it is honey, agave, brown sugar etc.! Some have a smaller glycemic index than white table sugar but they still do! It may take longer to raise insulin but it still does! At the end everything will end up as glucose. So many people buy many products supposed to hel them slim but they still have the appetite, which is due to the hidden sugars in the foods! These foods, they are ot supposed to slim you down, they are supposed to make you buy more...
Recently I was reviewing a "healthy" product with the following ingredients:
Ingredients: .. soy butter, maltodextrin, milk protein, emuslifier (soy lecithin), dextrin, dry mushrooms 3%, salth, thickener (guar gum), dried onions 1,5%, flavor/aroma, dipotassium phoshate, tricalcium phosphate, maltodextrin again with Vitamin E and Iron... One portion has 200 kcals и 20g carbohydrates, of which only 3g of fiber and 7g of sugar!
Maltodextrin is a natural sugar alcohol, which absorbs whater and is placed for keeping the product's part from sticking together BUT unlike erythirotl has a glycemic index between 85 and 135! Honey has a GI of 55 GI. Table sugar has a GI of 65-68. Agave has a slightly lower index, but still high enough.
The higher the glycemic index, the higher the insulin levels. The higher the insuling levels the more you exhause the insulin receptors in the cells and develop insulin resistance, the precursor of diabetes type 2! The higher the insulin the more fat you store. To slim down you need to keep the insulin down!
it is quite simple, so read the labels!
These are the reasons why we only use non-GMO erythritol of high grade in our products. We don't use animal milk for it has a high glycemic index as well and is not tolerated by many people with health issues.
So now you know who I am and what I stad for! Please read the rest of the blog articles! Knowledge is power! very few people are blessed with a body that does get addicted to sugar. Most of us do not have that luxury. However, once you have tried the life wihout sugar and gluten and see the results, you will never go back! The happiness and joy from your boundless energy and calm nervous system will fulfill your life! So make the first step!
With all my heart,